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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Using jslint

JSLint and JSHint are tools which help to avoid bugs related to some JavaScript oddities. Linting my JavaScript code has become common for me and I found some issues in my code which I would not have found without it. It also helps refactoring code. For instance when moving code to a separate file, JSLint tells me about variables and functions I want to use in the script but are still in the old file. I don't have to run a test case to find the bug. The following option helps me out in this particular case:

undef: false #  true if variables and functions need not be declared before used.

On OSX I use Textmate for JavaScript code. JSLintMate is a bundle for Textmate which integrates JSLint and JSHint into the editor and fires it whenever I save a JavaScript file. So, customizing my lint options has become an issue quickly. At the end of this post you can find  my current JSLint options which are stored in the .jslinrc file in my home directory and hence are passed to JSLint by default.

Within a JavaScript file I can put additional instructions in comments. The jslint instruction can be used to pass options overriding or completing the default options:

/*jslint browser: true, devel: true */

The above tells JSLint to include global variables for the browser environment and allow calls to development tools like the console.

Other globals can be added by the global instruction:

/*global jQuery: true, craftjs: true */

This can be very useful to tell JSLint which globals are provided by third-party libraries as jQuery in the snippet above. Besides libraries there might also be globals created by my own scripts in other files which are linked into the page or prepended by a build tool like sprockets or craft.js.

Besides JSLint, JSHint becomes more and more popular. The mentioned craft.js I'm currently working on uses JSHint. Both roughly offer the same functionality. JSHint offers additional options and hence offers more control over the lint process. The JSLint instructions within the JavaScript comments are supported by JSHint as well. That's why JSLint and JSHint can be used  side by side without cluttering the source code even more.


Being used of using IDE features for languages like Java makes a JavaScript developer feel lonely. Not only can JavaScript IDEs not offer such a rich feature set like Java IDEs can. JavaScript even does not have a compiler which tells a developer about typos and other mistakes. JSLint/JSHint can help to some extend by providing instant feedback when writing JavaScript code and supports the endevour of delivering high-quality JavaScript code.

my current jslint default options

adsafe: true # true if ADsafe rules should be enforced. See
bitwise: false # true if bitwise operators should be allowed.
cap: false # true if upper case HTML should be allowed
css: false # true if CSS workarounds should be tolerated
debug: false # true if debugger statements should be allowed (set to false before going into production)
eqeq: false # true if the == and != operators should be tolerated.
es5: false # true if ECMAScript 5 syntax should be allowed
evil: false # true if eval should be allowed
forin: false # true if unfiltered 'for in' statements should be allowed
fragment: false # true if HTML fragments should be allowed
indent: 4 # Number of spaces that should be used for indentation - used only if 'white' option is set
maxerr: 50 # The maximum number of warnings reported (per file)
maxlen: 120 # Maximum line length
newcap: false # true if Initial Caps with constructor functions is optional.
nomen: true # true if names should not be checked for initial or trailing underbars.
on: false # true if HTML event handlers (e.g. onclick="...") should be allowed
passfail: false # true if the scan should stop on first error (per file)
plusplus: true # true if ++ and -- should be allowed
regexp: false # true if . and [^...] should be allowed in RegExp literals.
safe: false # true if the safe subset rules are enforced (used by ADsafe)
sloppy: true # true if the ES5 'use strict'; pragma is not required
sub: false # true if subscript notation may be used for expressions better expressed in dot notation
undef: false #  true if variables and functions need not be declared before used.
vars: false # true if multiple var statement per function should be allowed.
white: false # true if strict whitespace rules should be ignored.

predef: '' # Names of predefined global variables - comma-separated string or a YAML array

browser: false # true if the standard browser globals should be predefined
rhino: false # true if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined
windows: false # true if Windows-specific globals should be predefined
widget: false # true if the Yahoo Widgets globals should be predefined
devel: true # true if functions like alert, confirm, console, prompt etc. are predefined
node: false # true if the node.js environment globals should be predefined

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